7/31/2015 Newborn Birthing Session Northside Hospital

Aug 2, 2015

I will just warn you in advance that this blog is going to be a huge gush fest! I had the privilege of meeting this Amazing couple several weeks ago at the Atlanta Baby and Child Expo. They hired me to photograph one of the most amazing moments of anyone’s life,… the birth of their baby girl! I was honored and so excited to be a part of this very special time.

As baby’s due date was quickly approaching I received an email stating that mom ( Kandi ) was going to be induced Thursday morning almost exactly two weeks before her due date. Now being that this obviously was not part of their plan I was expecting a little tension, but here I am walking in their hospital room and they have smiling faces and you can just see how ready and excited they are to meet their new baby! I immediately was beaming with them and was just as excited to see this sweet baby.

As each hour went by I was more and more impressed with this soon to be mom and dad. Poor mom kept having her dosage of Pitocin increased which obviously made her contractions more intense. Even being so it was still quite difficult to catch a photograph of her grimacing due to pain because she was talking through the majority of her contractions! I COULDNT BELIEVE IT! That was a true first for me! I would see her contraction start on the monitor, and out of sympathy I would try to be quiet to let her breath through it and she said… “don’t stop talking, it helps me.” In my mind I was like WHAT??? She was such an inspiration with how she handled her pain!

As the day continued the good news just didn’t stop ( to be read in a sarcastic manor.) This mother and father were hit wave after wave with not the best news, she wasn’t progressing, more Pitocin, possible c-section plans, possibly not being awake through the c-section. I mean one right after the other! But here they were handling each hurdle together as a team.

I was drawn to their love for one another and their ability to forget about themselves and put their baby first no matter what that meant! Well Finally Friday July 31st, 2015 at 3:01 P.M. a beautiful baby girl entered this world! Her name is Aria Claire Hogue, she weighed 7lbs 4oz, and was 20 Inches long.

Being able to photograph her with her mommy and daddy was so special. Even though hardly ANYTHING went according to the plan they had for themselves, she is here and healthy and they can start this beautiful journey of raising sweet Aria. I apologize for the ridiculously long story/blog, but how do you make such a beautiful story short? Now that your anticipation is killing you HA HA I present the sneak peek images of Aria Claire Hogue!

Labor Pains Atlanta Northside Hospital waiting for birth photography birth northside hospital mom woth the wait baby atlanta photography Kiss Before Delivery Northside Hospital Dad Holding Newborn Northside Hospital First Look Northside Hospital Atlanta Baby Feet Northside Hospital Skin On Skin Northside Hospital Kissing Newborn Northside Hospital