Anna’s Underwater Session

Oct 28, 2015

Anna’s Underwater Session

Here we are back in the Bahamas! AND back underwater… So from my previous Bahamas session and blog you will already know that because of the recent hurricane before my arrival, we had to move to plan b. Plan b consisted of having to use a salt water pool while trying to battle people. We were quite successful the first time… And then for this session we were less successful. However you would never know people were ALL around us!

Now can I just go ahead and say HATS OFF to Anna! She was a trooper! Again know that when it comes to underwater sessions it is WAY harder than it looks. You have to let ALL of your air out and still remember and expect water to go up your nose, all while trying to work with your wardrobe, hair and remember not to scrunch your face. SHE DID MARVELOUSLY!

We had several people on looking but it didn’t seem to bother her one bit! Ad can I just add how I adore her little vintage style she had! I LOVE her bright red lips with her top bun!!! And she had CONVERSE on as well! I couldn’t help but snap a vintage image of that! Over all I am so excited about this session and even though winter is quickly approaching us I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET ON THE WATER AGAIN!

Please enjoy Anna’s images

underwater atlanta photographer photography atlanta underwater bw underwater photography IMG_4894