Mar 9, 2021


Oh MY-LANTA this session was beyond what I dreamed! A session every photographer dreams of!


These soon to be parents came to this session READY TO SLAY! My heart may actually burst! I absolutely just love when clients want to incorporate WHO THEY ARE in their session! It makes sessions completely unique and fabulous! This session was no exception! Every look, every wardrobe change was absolute FIRE!


We had a long session day starting in studio then moving to underwater but this mama was an absolute trooper! IT IS NO JOKE doing two intense sessions but she just nailed every single second! If you can imagine we had almost 1500 images taken so trying to pick which images to do as a sneak peek was literally near impossible! I literally love them all! Send good vibes when it comes to culling these images down! HAHA! I don’t know how I’m going narrow them down!


To these soon to be parents I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for your trust in my vision and for being such troopers! IT WAS A LONG DAY! WELL WORTH ALL THE EFFORT of course but still a long day. I am so excited for this next step in your life. And having artwork of the most special time in your life the represents YOU and your beauty was absolutely necessary! I JUST CANNOT WAIT TO SHOW YOU THE REST! You two are gonna be the most amazing parents!



maternity photographer

maternity photographer

maternity photographer