May 18, 2021


This family has absolutely stolen my heart in every way.


While our session was probably one of the most sentimental sessions I think I have ever had I truly love the art of it too. You see this new dad almost lost his life. SO, the fact he was here for this session at all is something I myself couldn’t help but get emotional over while photographing. He will be in a wheel chair for a while and will go through extreme physical therapy to be able to walk again. This tragedy all happening days before their little man arrived. SO, you can imagine what this mama has gone through.


BUT LOOK! Look at this entire family and the beam of radiance and happiness that is just pouring through them. That my friends is unseen. The positivity and strength of this family was not only powerful to watch but extremely emotional for me to document.


There is nothing I can say – or I should say, there are not enough words to explain the importance of these images right here! This was almost not possible. And I am so thankful that they are all here. I love this family. TRULY! I can’t help but gravitate towards them. Tomorrow is never promised and this beautiful family realizes and embraces that fact. And I am truly speechless at the wonder of this amazing family.


THANK YOU both! For allowing me to document such an unbelievably special time in your life! You are amazing parents and the strongest people I know. AND I CANNOT WAIT TO SHARE the rest with you all. DAD – YOU HAVE GOT THIS! Keep that beautiful smile and warm heart and there will not be anything you cannot handle. Mom keep your calm and ever so caring heart and you will get through this together! I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOR SON TO GROW AND REALIZE THE PARENST HE HAS!


So for now enjoy your sneaks!

Newborn Photographer

Newborn Photographer

Newborn Photographer

Newborn Photographer