Why We Photograph Newborn Sessions In Your Home

Dec 15, 2015

Why We Photograph Newborn Sessions In Your Home

Did you know that 99.9% of our newborn sessions happen right in your home? My style with newborn portraits is definitely more along the lines of lifestyle portraiture. Not that I don’t think my newborns are just precious in cute little wraps and on sweet unique props. But when I look back on pictures of MY newborns I treasure the images of me and my husband with our new baby. Less on them in their cute outfits and little vintage props.

Some of my very first newborn portrait sessions were done in a studio, and even though everyone seemed comfortable, there was a disconnect in the images that just didn’t move me. It had nothing to do with the baby or with the parents. It simply was… there was just something missing! I wasn’t content with the entire scene or feel of what was going on. So I spent many weeks/months really looking and shooting different scenes until I discovered where my true passion when it comes to newborns lies.

A very good friend/client of mine was pregnant at the exact same time as I was and just six weeks after I had my baby girl, she had her son. That was my very FIRST in home newborn session and I FELL IN LOVE! That session changed everything that I thought I knew about newborns and their sessions. I adore in-home sessions and I want to share why. Here are a list of reasons why we LOVE photographing in-home.

1) There is NOTHING more sentimental than being in the place you brought your sweet baby home from the hospital to for pictures. Regardless if this is your first home or not you will NEVER want to forget the memories you have made in that home.

2) The comfort level! If you are a first time mom there are all of these new things you are having to adjust to. Being in your home for your session puts your mind at ease. If you have to stop and nurse you are in the privacy of your OWN home. You can nurse or feed or change your baby in your OWN chair or bed. You don’t have to be nervous or uncomfortable because it is YOUR home. If you are relaxed and at ease, your baby will be relaxed and at ease.

3) The connection between the parents and baby are just so organic and real in home. Probably mostly in part to reason #2 of this blog. I feel that when newborn portraits happen in the studio there is a formalness that happens that loses the joy and natural happiness that is already there. No I am “hating” on studio artists’ by any means! I am however saying that with MY clients in home sessions have always proven to be so real and fresh and overall just beautiful pieces of art.

4) The experience really is more relaxing and peaceful. I remember very much so what it was like to be a new mom, and to try and get everything ready and packed up to take on a session can be very overwhelming. And the fact that we bring our services to you takes such a large weight off of you. We bring the props, wraps, headbands, clothing pieces ALL to you. All you have to worry about is yourself and your little. No pressure, no stress, just an enjoyable session with relaxing music and beautiful bonding moments with your baby.

If you are expecting we would LOVE to photograph your newborn in your home, and create the most timeless pieces of art of your sweet family.

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