Regal Family

Dec 24, 2018

Regal Family


OHHHHH my sweet gorgeous GOODNESS!


Our session this past Saturday was one for the BOOKS! This family was such a pleasure to photograph. They are expecting a new little prince to add to their family of two perfect little princesses and 1 older prince, . And this mom and dad are as regal as it comes… I mean just look at them!


Our session day was BEAUTIFUL, it was such a breath of fresh air, after all of this horrid rain we have had. It wasn’t too cold either! The Atlanta skyline had to work hard to meet the level of beauty this mama brought. But what was really special was getting to have a peek into this family’s dynamic. The love radiates… It was inspiring to me. Their history and story is beautiful and I felt like I was in the presence of TRUE LOVE. You know the warm and bubbly feeling you get when you get to witness that? Yeah, I HAD IT!


Their little girl, was the SWEETEST and always had a big beautiful smile for us! What had my heart melting though, was when we were photographing mom, and dad takes his little girl to the playground….. and he’s pushing her on the swing. SIGHHHH it was like this perfect picture of the perfect family. Dad was being so supportive and helpful while mom had a second to get her portraits made… They are just a family after my own heart. It was beautiful.


To this beautiful family : THANK YOU for letting me document this amazing time in your life. I am so excited for you as you get ready to embark on this new journey of welcoming your baby boy into your family. Keep your love as organic and genuine as it was on our session and there will be nothing the two of you cannot tackle together.




maternity photographer maternity photographer maternity photographer maternity photographer maternity photographer