Underwater Sessions Part II

Oct 19, 2015

Underwater sessions Part TWO

Here we go with round TWO on Underwater Sessions. After a monster was created with my very first underwater session, I began learning and trying everything I could when it came to Underwater Sessions. I had the ability to meet one of the GREATEST underwater photographers EVER during a conference early this year and I learned so much from her. Believe it or not we never once got in the water but just by talking with her, I learned so much! Her name is Jenna Martin and I HIGHLY encourage you to look at her work if you ever have a spare moment.

I learned that color is seen differently, that salt water is better, and that there is no perfect solution to sinking in the water to photograph your subject. After knowing this it sprung me to want to get in the water EVEN more!

And that’s exactly what I did! Not only did I use my husband and children for practice, a lot of time I would just be photographing nothing HAHA! As time went on I had clients hire me for this amazing underwater uniqueness. Each time I grew and continued learning! It suddenly became a small game, seeing what a certain article of clothing would do under the water or what a prop would do. Some things would sink, some would float… some would dissolve…. Yeah that one was a little messy.

More and more I realized that the rules above water DO NOT apply down there and I am all about bending rules. I bought a vintage desk specifically for one session and when I told the store manager what I was doing with the desk they gave me such an interesting look. It made me happy, I love when people are taken back because it’s not what a normal person would buy things for.

I have become obsessed with all things underwater and can’t wait to share my recent work with you, but until next time enjoy some more underwater images from a little while ago… It’s a journey enjoy the ride.

Also A HUGE THANK YOU to Jenna for being an encouragement, and being so helpful when you really didn’t have to be. You have an amazing eye and are just an awesome person!
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