Waiting for a Princess

Aug 7, 2017

Waiting for a princess!

Care to know what a power couple looks like when they are expecting… KEEP READING.

MAN ALIVE! What an awesome session! It was pretty hot this past weekend, but fortunately we were in a heavily shaded area. Even still it was hot and sticky. But these two powered through and if you were to set aside the heat, it was a BEAUTFUL day! We had a FABULOUS sky!

This soon to be momma and daddy, are a GORGEOUS couple! The ENTIRE day people were yelling at how gorgeous they looked! Literally yelling from across the way HAHA! What really made this session so fabulous was what this momma to be brought to wear. She absolutely SLAYED in her gowns! The red was hands down my favorite! I have yet to photograph a floral print gown, and I think I’m in love now! Being that this couple is from Nigeria, the bright bold colors JUST FIT them. And dad-to-be couldn’t have been any more put together. I SWEAR he used to model! He knew exactly what to do!

ONE THING IS FOR SURE… I couldn’t have asked for a better day or couple.

To this soon to be momma and daddy, I want to say… THANK YOU for trusting my vision! I know it was hot and uncomfortable outside but we did it! It was SO worth it. You both are beautiful inside and out! I cannot WAIT for your princess to arrive, you two will be amazing parents! Ife my love, you were absolutely STUNNING! From the crown of your head to the bottom of your feet. My new nickname for you is My Nigerian QUEEN!


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