Why You Should Book Your Senior Session Earlier Rather Than Later

Jun 23, 2015

Why you should book your Senior session earlier rather than later

Being the ridiculous planner that I am, I want, need, MUST have any and EVERY thing in my life planned! True story : I scheduled a photoshoot in a field that I do not specialize in SEVEN MONTHS ahead of time! Every day I wake up and discuss my schedule and plan for the day with my family. Yes I know what you must be thinking, and yes it does drive them a little crazy. However, for everything to run smoothly I have to have a plan. With that being said I decided to address a common question/issue/concern.

Awesome question I might say, and I have an awesome answer!

First I want to just put out there, we all know how quick time goes by, and there really is no such thing as booking to early. But aside from this very simple answer there are legitimate reasons as to why you should book the summer before the senior’s year actually begins.

Being that your child is now entering twelfth grade you are probably very familiar with the fact that schools start asking and expecting year book pictures and or page designs ( we offer custom year book page designs FYI.) the very first month that school starts! So how great to have your images and designs ready and waiting for them when they ask right!

Your senior is going to be so busy with their last year of school the LAST thing you want to have to worry and coordinate is consultations, photoshoots, and preview sessions. Make everything easier on yourself. Your senior’s year is just as important for you as it is for the senior… ENJOY IT!

When you book your session EARLIER rather than later, you have more options to decide when your session will be. On our senior sessions we want any and everyone who wants to be a part of it to be there. So as you can imagine most people are available on the weekends. SO weekends get booked up very quickly. Booking ahead of time gives you more options….. and we all love options!

When you plan ahead everything runs smoothly… You have time to decide on locations, wardrobe, time of year, style, ETC. Our goal is to give you the BEST experience possible, and knowing why you should book sooner rather than later will only add to your experience and memories!